Faith Lutheran - A Christ centered Church!
Faith Lutheran - A Christ centered Church!
based upon the Epistle Lesson from Romans 8:28-39.
Parable of the Weeds - from the Gospel of St. Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Some words about the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the Triune God. We confess is "catholic".
Based on the Gospel of John 7:37-39
We use this Gospel for this Sunday, Luke 24:44-53. Yes, some churches do remember the Ascension on a Sunday, if they do not have a service during the week.
A sermon on the Gospel for this Sunday, St. John, chapter 14:15-21
Some of God's wisdom and love through the lens of Biblical Moms.
This sermon / devotion is based on the Gospel of St. John, chapter 10, verses 1-10. Grab a Bible, read over, and Psalm 23 too.
A brief devotion based on the text from Luke's Gospel: Luke 24:13-35
Based around the Gospel appointed for this Sunday. St. John's Gospel, chapter 20, verses 19 through 31.
From the pulpit at Faith Lutheran Church.
As you can tell, the paraments are not changed yet...waiting to come together as community, gathered around Word and Sacrament. Here is the Gospel for today. God is still the same, in charge, Jesus has defeated death and its sting, the Holy Spirit still opens our hearts...but I miss gathering around the table of our Lord for the Sacrament. We can only do that as Church
The Word of Hope
The Word of Faith
We begin Jesus journey to the cross.
Jesus IS the Lamb, the blood shed to free us from sin...
The text is John 19:30.