Faith Lutheran - A Christ centered Church!
Faith Lutheran - A Christ centered Church!
We are coming into a time in our Church life where we must ask ourselves again (and again, and again), is Church attendance required?
Yet I won’t give you the Law (commandment rules), I will remind you why we go. And draw your own conclusions.
01)You are under attack 167 hours a week by the media, the people around us, Satan and all his tricks; all trying to drive a wedge between you and your Lord and Savior.
02) One hour a week, just one, you gather to be strengthened by His Holy Word, to be served the Holy Meal to strengthen your faith and be forgiven sins. You can receive Holy Absolution as if Christ Himself spoke the words to the sinner. All this to help you survive the attacks of the 167 other hours.
03) One hour a week you can gather with fellow sinners to pray for one another, hug one another, perhaps make-up over a tiff with one another (sinners do bicker); and yet sinners still get to sit and be at one with their Lord. That is why we are Church.
04) And if you take another hour or two for Bible Study, or extra service to your Lord in the Church, etc.; bonus points.
Of course we all could have excuses on a Sunday morning (and many have real and valid reasons, that is why we are trying to include other times and days of the week for worship and study); yet don’t you want to “wake up” and start a Sunday with God and His people?
I love to work out (seems like I don’t as much as I like and used to), and when done with a workout, I feel pretty good. The same “should be” with a Sunday morning “workout” with God. In fact, there are no weights to lift, no running, no sweating; just the benefits of a soul made more firm and solid, bound for eternity with God.
Does this help give you another reason for coming?